Feb 15, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Christine Blakney, Managing Director
Student Business Services

301 West Hall | Box 41099 | Lubbock, TX 79409-1099
T 806.742.3272, toll free 866.774.9477
F 806.742.5910 | www.sbs.ttu.edu

Tuition and Fees

Student Business Services (SBS) is responsible for the billing and collection of student accounts. Texas Tech reserves the right, without notice in this or any other publication, to change, amend, add to, or otherwise alter any or all fees, dues, rates, or other charges set forth herein and subject to action by the Texas State Legislature, the Board of Regents of the Texas Tech University System, or other authority as the case may be.

Texas Tech University reserves the right to deny credit for coursework completed in a semester or term and/or registration in a future semester or term for unpaid balances. This also includes the release of official academic transcripts and access to grades.

The university accepts no responsibility for billings or refund checks sent to incorrect addresses or difficulties caused by the postal service or other delivery services.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that payment is in the possession of Student Business Services by the university established due dates announced each semester.

Payment Policy

Failure to make payment arrangements by the due date may result in cancellation of the student’s registration. Students who choose the payment option or who incur incidental fees during the semester must make full payment by the established due dates or they may be prohibited from registering for future terms until full payment is made. A student who is not 100 percent paid prior to the end of the term may be denied credit for coursework completed that semester or term.

Payment arrangements must be made by the established due dates. See www.sbs.ttu.edu for payment due dates. Students will receive email notification of billings as statements are posted to the eBill site. All notifications will be sent to the official email of record which is the student’s ttu.edu email account.

Payment must reach Student Business Services by close of business on the due date. Cancellation for non-payment may occur after close of business on the due date. Students who are cancelled prior to the first class day for nonpayment must re-register for classes, and the original schedule is not guaranteed. Late fees and other incidental charges must be paid in full or payment arrangements made before registration, grade, and transcript holds will be released. Late fees are subject to collection.

Payment Agreement Options

The Budget Payment Option may be used for statutory tuition, mandatory fees, optional fees, and hospitality and housing. The Emergency Payment Option is intended to provide coverage for statutory tuition and mandatory fees if aid or exemptions have been delayed.

All payment plans will be calculated on the account balance as of the payment plan enrollment date and will be adjusted for additional charges or credits occurring on the account during the term. See the Student Business Services website at www.sbs.ttu.edu for detailed information.

Budget Payment Option

  • Available fall and spring terms only. A separate application is required for each term.
  • Payments in four installments (25% each) of the total account balance.
  • $25 non-refundable enrollment fee is due at time of set up.
  • Initial installments may also be due depending on the time of enrollment.
  • Down payments and financial aid reduce the overall plan balance and do not count toward the first installment.

Emergency Payment Option

  • Available fall, spring, and summer terms for students who owe a minimum of $2,000 of tuition and mandatory fees. Students with accounts that do not meet this threshold must visit the Student Financial Center at 301 West Hall to be administratively enrolled. A separate application is required for each term.
  • This plan does not include balances due for hospitality, housing, optional fees, or other institutional charges. Those charges must also be paid prior to the end of the term to avoid holds or late fees regardless of the installment amount provided in the payment plan agreement.
  • For fall and spring terms, this plan allows students to defer initial payment for approximately 30 days through financing provided by a short term, no interest loan. The balance will be paid in three installments.
  • For summer terms, 100% emergency loan is applied as payment and there could be one or two payment due dates depending on enrollment throughout the summer.
  • Up to $25 non-refundable enrollment fee is due at time of set up
  • Initial installments may also be due depending on the time of enrollment
  • Down payments and financial aid reduce the overall plan balance and do not count toward the first installment.


Notification of billings will be sent via email to all registered students approximately one month prior to the due date. Updated statements will be posted to the student account monthly throughout the term. Students with incidental charges and not enrolled in a payment plan must pay their account balance in full within 30 days of the charge being posted to the account to avoid late fees. Students enrolled in payment plans must abide by the terms and deadlines established in the plan agreement. Students are billed based on their residency and registration. Students must verify their address each term when registering and may change their address on file any time by entering the change at www.raiderlink.ttu.edu.

How to Pay. Payment can be made as follows:

  • In Person. Students can pay with cash, personal check, cashier’s check, money order, or debit card at the Student Business Services office located in the Student Financial Center at 301 West Hall. Checks should be made payable to Texas Tech University. All payments made, other than cash, are subject to final acceptance for payment. Checks may be held pending verification of payor. Temporary checks and checks drawn on international banks will not be accepted.
  • Mail. Cash should not be sent through the mail, and Texas Tech accepts no responsibility for cash sent by mail. Payments should be mailed to Box 41099, Lubbock, TX 79409 at least five to seven days prior to the due date. Express mail payments should be sent to Student Business Services, Texas Tech University, 2520 Broadway, Room 333, Lubbock, TX 79409-1099.
  • Online Credit Card (subject to a service fee), Debit Card, or E-check Payments. Pay online at www.raiderlink.ttu.edu.
  • International Payments. International wire payments must be submitted through an approved international wire payment processor. TTU banking information for international wires will not be released for any reason. Visit www.sbs.ttu.edu for more information or to initiate international payments.

Account Information. Tuition and fee information can be obtained at www.raiderlink.ttu.edu from the MyTech tab. The student’s eRaider user ID and password will be required to view this information. Students may add authorized users. These users will be given a separate login and can access billing information through a separate site. Students should never divulge their eRaider user ID and password. Doing so constitutes a violation of institutional policy and can result in disciplinary action.

Late Payment Fee. A late fee of up to $50 may be charged monthly for delinquent accounts. Postmarks will not be considered when assessing this charge.

Dropped/Late Registration Fee. A $50 fee may be assessed as a result of registrations dropped due to non-payment or for registration that occurs after the first class day.

Returned Check Charge. A $30 fee may be assessed for each check returned from the bank unpaid. A returned check for initial payment of tuition and fees may result in cancellation of enrollment. Responsibility rests with the student regardless of the maker of the check. If payment is returned for insufficient funds, SBS may restrict a student from using the same bank account for future payments. Returned or disputed credit card payments may be assessed a $9 per item pass-through fee charged by the credit card processor. Additional pass-through fees may include a service fee of up to 2.75% of the payment amount, which may be assessed to the student account if the university is charged by the processor.

Cancellation Fee. A $300 fee may be charged for cancellations occurring after the 12th class day (4th class day in summer). For student registrations to be reinstated, the student must make appropriate payment arrangements prior to the term report date (20th class day in fall/spring; 15th class day in summer terms). Failure to make payment arrangements by the report date may result in the student being denied reinstatement and still being held financially responsible for cancelled courses as allowed by state law.

All fees are subject to collection and must be paid in full before registration, grade, and transcript holds will be released. Fee amounts are subject to change by action of the Board of Regents without prior notice.

Refund Policy

Refunds will be issued by Texas Tech University in the form of ACH to the bank account of the student’s choice or by paper check mailed to the local address on file.

Students must visit www.raiderlink.ttu.edu and select the MyTech tab to provide direct deposit information in order to receive refunds via ACH. Students must have an active address in the Texas Tech system for refunds to be processed regardless of the form of the refund. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain a correct, active address with Texas Tech to ensure receipt of refunds.

To expedite refund availability, students should enter their bank routing and account numbers in My Direct Deposit available at www.raiderlink.ttu.edu. Students who do not provide ACH information or whose information is invalid will receive a paper check mailed to the address on file. ACH refunds will be processed multiple times per week. Paper checks will be processed only once a week. For security purposes, all checks will be mailed. No checks will be distributed in person. Due to significant cost, security issues, and untimely receipt of refunds via paper check, students are highly encouraged to sign up for My Direct Deposit.

Change in Class Schedule. Any refund as a result of registration change will be processed and distributed no later than the 35th class day of a fall or spring semester or the 20th class day of a summer term. The class change refund amount will be in accordance with the following:

  • Summer Terms: Credit for a Dropped Course
  1st class day through 4th class day 100%  
  After the 4th class day None  

Withdrawal — Students withdrawing to zero hours at their request or those who have been withdrawn due to university action may be eligible to receive a refund of paid tuition and fees. For a term lasting between five and nine weeks, the student will be required to pay tuition and fees according to the following schedule:

  Before the 1st class day None  
  1st, 2nd, or 3rd class day 20%  
  4th, 5th, or 6th class day 50%  
  7th class day or later 100%  

For a term lasting five weeks or less, the student will be required to pay tuition and fees according to the following schedule:

  Before the 1st class day None  
  1st class day 20%  
  2nd class day 50%  
  3rd class day or later 100%  
  Terms of a shorter duration may have different payment requirements as established by law.
  • Fall or Spring Semester: Refund for a Dropped Course
  1st class day through 12th class day 100%  
  After the 12th class day None  

Withdrawal — Students withdrawing to zero hours at their request or those who have been withdrawn due to university action may be eligible to receive a refund of paid tuition and fees. For a term of 10 weeks or longer, the student will be required to pay tuition and fees according to the following schedule:

  Before the 1st class day None  
  1st five class days 20%  
  2nd five class days 30%  
  3rd five class days 50%  
  4th five class days 75%  
  21st class day and after 100%  

Any refund due to a student will be made after calculation of the amount of tuition and fees due at the time of withdrawal. If the student has paid less than the amount due at the time of withdrawal, the student will be required to pay the remaining balance due. Class day counts are determined by the first class day of the term which may not correspond to the actual first day of the enrolled class.

Federal Refund Formula. The federal refund formula requires federal student aid to be refunded at a pro rata basis if a complete withdrawal from the institution occurs before 60 percent of the semester has been completed. Any amounts in excess of this pro rata calculation that have already been refunded to the student are subject to immediate repayment.

Tuition and Fees

A complete list, including authority and explanations for tuition and fees, is available on the SBS website (www.sbs.ttu.edu) in the Global Fee and Other Educational Costs documents. Estimated Costs Calculators are provided on the SBS website to assist students in estimating the estimated total charges of tuition and fees based on enrolled semester credit hours. Students can also find information on the total estimated cost of attendance on the Office of Financial Aid website.

Residency Status Determination

For rules governing the determination of residency status as defined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, see the website www.depts.ttu.edu/admissions/residency/.

General Information

Tuition Rate for Excess Doctoral Hours. Doctoral students registering with 130 or more doctoral hours (150 in the areas of clinical psychology and counseling psychology) may be required to pay out-of-state tuition (full cost of education). These fees may not be waived by virtue of employment or scholarship.

Tuition Rate for Excess Undergraduate Credit Hours. Texas Education Code, Section 54.014, states that a resident undergraduate student who has attempted 30 semester credit hours in excess of the number of hours required for completion of the degree program in which the student is enrolled may be charged a higher tuition rate not to exceed the rate charged to a nonresident.

Unfunded Hours Fee for Repeated Courses. The General Appropriations Act, Article III, Special Provisions Related to Institutions of Higher Education, Section 41 provides authority to assess an additional fee, not to exceed the amount of tuition charged to non-resident students, for students attempting the same course for the third time or more. This fee is to offset the loss of formula funding from the state. 

Tuition Rebate for Certain Undergraduates. Under a state program authorized by Texas Education Code 54.0065, qualified students may be eligible for a rebate of a portion of the undergraduate tuition the student has paid. See the Higher Education Coordinating Board website (www.thecb.state.tx.us/GeneralPubs/Agenda/Ag2003_01/IXF/IXFRules13.pdf) for more information and requirements for the rebate program. Contact Student Business Services for information regarding outstanding student loans and the application of the rebate toward them. All application forms must be submitted to Student Business Services prior to graduation to be accepted under the rebate program guidelines.

Exemptions and Waivers

All exemptions and waivers have been authorized by statute in the Texas Education Code or through action of the Board of Regents of the Texas Tech University System. Texas Tech reserves the right, without notice in this or any other publication, to change, amend, add to, or otherwise alter any or all exemptions and waivers subject to and in accordance with actions of the Texas State Legislature and/or the Board of Regents.

Exemption and waiver requests must be submitted no later than the 12th class day of a fall or spring semester or the 4th class day of a summer term. It is the student’s responsibility to check the student account prior to the 20th class day to ensure the application of an exemption or waiver. Exemptions and waiver requests will not be accepted after these dates, unless authorized by state law.

Texas Tech University reserves the right to apply exemptions and waivers after the census day (12th class day of a fall or spring semester or the 4th class day of a summer term). Texas Tech University reserves the right to audit any exemption or waiver prior or subsequent to application to a student’s tuition and fee account and to make account adjustments as necessary.

Certain exemptions and waivers are subject to verification of Selective Service registration, Satisfactory Academic Progress, and minimum grade requirements. Exemptions and waivers may be denied or revoked during the term if any of these verifications, or another requirement as authorized by state law, does not meet state guidelines.

A complete list of waivers and exemptions offered by Texas Tech University can be found on the SBS website (www.sbs.ttu.edu).

For further information, contact Student Business Services at 806.742.3272 (toll free 866.774.9477) or email sbs@ttu.edu.

Tuition Insurance

Texas Tech University has partnered with GradGuard™ to offer tuition insurance. All currently enrolled students and/or parents will have the opportunity to purchase the tuition protection plan during the registration period which extends through the twelfth day of class. The tuition protection plan can help protect your investment in higher education if a student must withdraw unexpectedly for a covered illness, injury, or mental health reason. Under our school withdrawal policy (noted above), students may not be eligible for a full refund if students must withdraw mid-semester. The tuition protection plan compliments and enhances the refund policy and can ensure up to 100% reimbursement for tuition payments, housing, and other fees if students withdraw for a covered reason at any time during the semester. To learn more, visit gradguard.com/tuition/ttu or connect with a GradGuard™ tuition insurance specialist at 877.794.6603.

Student Financial Assistance

Shannon Venezia, Executive Director
Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships

301 West Hall | Box 45011 | Lubbock, TX 79409-5011 
T 806.742.3681 | F 806.742.0880
finaid.advisor@ttu.edu | financialaid.ttu.edu

The Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships provides comprehensive financial assistance to students seeking higher education. The financial assistance offered at Texas Tech includes scholarships, grants, employment, and loans. Assistance is awarded to students on the basis of financial need, merit, and other specific program eligibility requirements. Need is defined as the difference between the cost of attending Texas Tech, the expected family contribution (EFC) as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA), and the amount of money reasonably available to the student from all sources.

No student or prospective student shall be excluded from participating in or be denied the benefits of any financial aid program at Texas Tech on the grounds of race, color, national origin, religion, or sex. Although qualifications required for each financial aid program may differ, the general requirements for financial assistance at Texas Tech are that the student must be admitted and enrolled for at least one-half the normal academic load, be in good academic standing with the university, and demonstrate need as determined by the FAFSA (fafsa.ed.gov) or TASFA (https://www.depts.ttu.edu/financialaid/TASFA.php).

Types of Assistance. The university participates in the following financial assistance programs:

  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
  • TEXAS Grant
  • Texas Public Education Grant
  • TEACH Grant
  • Federal Work-Study Program
  • Texas B-On-Time Loan
  • Hinson-Hazlewood College Access Loan
  • Federal Direct Loans
  • Federal Direct PLUS Loans for Graduate Students
  • Federal Direct Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students

Application Deadlines. Although no strict deadlines have been established for applications for most financial aid programs at Texas Tech, priority is given to applications completed by January 15 for the fall semester, October 1 for the spring semester, and March 1 for the summer session. Applications completed after these dates will be considered, but no guarantee can be given that the funds will be available when needed.

Scholarship Information. Incoming students can submit applications at www.applytexas.org and current Texas Tech students can submit applications at www.scholarships.ttu.edu for consideration for university scholarships, college and departmental scholarships, and need-based scholarships. Students may choose to further seek major-specific scholarships by contacting their department or college dean’s office.

Presidential scholarships are awarded to entering first-time college students based on SAT and ACT test scores and class rank. Contact the Texas Tech Scholarship Office at www.depts.ttu.edu/scholarships for more information on Presidential scholarships.

College and departmental scholarships are awarded to students from the 10 colleges and more than 100 academic departments at Texas Tech. They are awarded to entering and current students based on major, academics, leadership, community involvement, financial need, or any combination of these factors. For more information on college and departmental scholarships, please contact those offices or go to www.depts.ttu.edu for a website listing of departments.

Need-based scholarships are awarded to entering and current students based on financial need, academics, major, leadership, county of residence, or any combination of these and other factors. For more information on need-based scholarships, go the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships website www.depts.ttu.edu/scholarships.

Scholarship Application Deadlines. The priority deadline for incoming first-time college students applying for competitive scholarships is December 1. The priority deadlines for transfer scholarship applications are November 15 for spring transfers and March 1 for fall transfers. The deadline for the continuing student scholarship application is February 1.

Students receiving scholarships from sources outside of Texas Tech University should submit scholarship checks to Texas Tech University Scholarship Office, Box 45011, Lubbock, TX 79409-5011. External scholarships will be credited to tuition and fees and included in financial aid packages.

Academic Requirements for Assistance. Federal regulations require that all financial aid recipients maintain satisfactory academic progress. The guidelines applied in determining satisfactory academic progress are located on the financial aid website at financialaid.ttu.edu.

Assistance for Graduate Students. Financial opportunities are available through both the Graduate School and graduate academic departments. The Graduate School coordinates and disburses scholarships and fellowships each year for new and continuing degree-seeking students (both full- and part-time). The AT&T Chancellor’s Fellowship and CH Foundation Doctoral Fellowship are available to departments to aid them in attracting new graduate students to Texas Tech. The majority of deadlines are in the spring (typically February) for awards for the upcoming fall and spring semesters. Many departments also support graduate students through scholarships and assistantship positions, and these must be requested from the specific department concerned. Online applications and detailed information are available at www.depts.ttu.edu/gradschool/financial/GeneralFellowships.php.