Feb 15, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Undergraduate Admissions


Jason Hale, Executive Director

Office of Undergraduate Admissions
West Hall | Box 45005 | Lubbock, TX 79409-5005
T 806.742.1480 | F 806.742.0062
admissions@ttu.edu | www.gototexastech.com

Texas Tech accepts the ApplyTexas Application for Admission to Four-Year Institutions, which is available online at www.applytexas.org, the Common App application located at www.commonapp.org/, and the Coalition Application located at www.mycoalition.org. Essays and letters of recommendation are strongly recommended for students who do not qualify for assured admission. Please see the Admissions Deadlines  section of this catalog for 2021-2022 admissions deadlines.

Admission to the Graduate School. See the Graduate School  section of this catalog for information about graduate admission.

International Admission. See Admission Requirements for Undergraduate International Students  for information regarding admission of international students.

Residency Status Determination. For rules governing the determination of residency status as defined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, search “residency” at www.collegeforalltexans.com. Additional information and forms can be found at www.depts.ttu.edu/admissions/residency/ and www.depts.ttu.edu/admissions/apply/residency/.

Meningitis Vaccine. The Texas Education Code, Section 51.9192 requires all students under the age of 22 years entering a public institution of higher education in Texas to provide documentation that they have had a meningococcal (bacterial meningitis) vaccine within the last five years. In addition to a current meningitis vaccine, Texas Tech University also requires the submission of two doses of Mumps, Measles, and Rubella (MMR). Visit Student Health https://www.depts.ttu.edu/studenthealth/newstudents for more information.

Admission Requirements

Applicants are considered for admission to the undergraduate divisions of the university by graduation from high school or equivalent or by transfer from an accredited college. Students are expected to be academically prepared to succeed; therefore, academic performance, standardized test scores, and educational preparation are specifically considered. Additional factors may be considered in determining the applicant’s eligibility for admission during a holistic review that includes, but is not limited to, the student’s extracurricular activities, leadership experiences, special talents, awards, conduct findings, and employment experiences.

Students are admitted to a specific college within the university. The university reserves the right to modify its admission requirements in order to manage enrollment in high-demand areas. The colleges may set various requirements for continuance in certain degree programs in addition to the general university minimum requirements. Texas Tech reserves the right to assign a major if applicants do not meet the qualifications for their major of choice. See below for admission requirements for specific colleges.

First-Time Admission

Applicants must complete the following:

  1. Submit an application and pay a non-refundable application fee. The ApplyTexas Application is available on the website www.applytexas.org; the Common App application is available at www.commonapp.org/; the Coalition application is available at www.mycoalition.org. The application fee may be paid by check, money order, or online at www.raiderconnect.ttu.edu with a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover). If payment of the fee creates financial hardship, students may submit qualifying documentation of need for a fee waiver along with the application and supporting documents for admission. Refer to Undergraduate Admissions website for Fee Waiver guidelines (www.admissions.ttu.edu/feewaiver). Applications will not be complete without either the application fee or fee waiver documentation.
  2. Provide a high school transcript showing GPA and class rank. If no rank is provided, one will be assigned. The transcript must state the State of Texas diploma type or further documentation may be required. Senior courses in progress must be provided on the transcript, a grade report, or listed on the Application form. A student with a GED must submit official GED scores as well as a partial high school transcript. Beginning with the Fall 2018 term, Texas Tech will accept an unofficial high school transcript to complete the admission file, and the document can be sent in the following manner:
    • The student may upload the document through the student portal in RaiderConnect.
    • The student may bring the document to the Undergraduate Admissions office in West Hall.
    • The high school may upload the document through the Counselor portal in RaiderConnect.
    • The document can be sent through U.S. mail.
    A final official high school transcript showing graduation date will be required after graduation and will become part of the student’s permanent record. This official document must be sent directly from the high school or uploaded through the Counselor portal in RaiderConnect. No unofficial, final transcripts will be accepted from the student.

  3. Students wishing to have their test scores considered during the admission process should have college entrance test scores, either the SAT or the ACT, sent from the testing agency at the time the test is taken. If the student is applying as Test-Optional, or if it has been five years or more since high school graduation, the requirement to take the SAT or ACT test will be waived.

  4. Provide official college transcript for any dual credit completed. This is recommended for all and is mandatory for individuals attending an Early College High School program. Unofficial college transcripts will not be accepted.

  5. Individuals who are not high school graduates but who have submitted evidence of a high school equivalency diploma from the Texas Education Agency (or equivalent agency in other states) may be eligible for admission to Texas Tech University when they have submitted all of the following items to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions:
    • Application for Admission
    • Scores on the ACT or the SAT (scores cannot be more than five years old)
    • Current Application Fee
    • Partial high school transcript
    • Proof of completion of equivalency diploma
  6. Applicants currently enrolled in their first semester of college after high school graduation and wanting to transfer to Texas Tech should apply as transfer students but must also meet freshmen admission requirements, submit SAT or ACT scores, and provide a high school transcript showing a graduation date.

Applicants must have one of the following:

1. Successfully completed the curriculum requirements for the Distinguished Endorsement High School Program, the Foundation diploma, or Foundation diploma with an endorsement.
2. Satisfied ACT’s College Readiness Benchmarks (English 18, Math 22, Reading, 22, and Science 23) on the ACT assessment, or earned on the SAT assessment a score of at least 480 on the Evidence-based Reading and a 530 in Math in one sitting.

The following courses are recommended to be considered for admission:

High School Subjects Units Required
English 4
Mathematics1 4
Laboratory Science2 4
Foreign Language3 2

1 Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II are the courses recommended for admission.

2 Biology I, Chemistry I, or Physics I are the courses recommended for admission.

3 If two years of a single foreign language are not completed in high school, at least two semesters of a single foreign language may be required at the college level.

Homeschooled Students. The admission requirements for students who have been homeschooled are the same as for students who have attended traditional public or private schools. A transcript with all coursework, completed and in progress, is required with the application, test score, and application fee or waiver. Homeschool transcripts must bear a notarized signature of the school official attesting to the authenticity of the record. See www.admissions.ttu.edu/homeschool. Please see Senate Bill 1543, 84th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2015 for information on admissions of students with nontraditional secondary education. (www.capitol.state.tx.us/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=84R&Bill=SB1543) and (www.capitol.state.tx.us/tlodocs/84R/billtext/pdf/SB01543F.pdf#navpanes=0).

Early High School Graduates. Students graduating early from high school must submit all application materials and verification of early graduation. A letter from a high school counselor or an indication on the official transcript is acceptable for verification. Early graduates are required to meet regular freshmen requirements. An essay explaining the purpose or reason for early graduation is recommended.

Early College High School. College transcripts should be provided as part of the student’s admissions packet.

Assured Admission

Students graduating from high school may be assured admission if they present the required combination of test scores and class rank indicated below.

High School Class Rank Minimum Test Scores for Assured Admission*
Top 10 Percent No Minimum
First Quarter (other than top 10 percent) 24 1180
Second Quarter 26 1240
Third Quarter 27 1280
Fourth Quarter Application Review

* Writing portions of the ACT and SAT are not included in the minimum scores for assured admission.
Revised SAT
In accordance with House Bill 5, 83rd Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2013, a student must earn distinguished level of achievement to be eligible for top 10% automatic admission.

Students graduating in the top 10 percent of their high school class will be assured admission by completing:

• Distinguished level of achievement under the Foundation; or
• Satisfied ACT’s College Readiness Benchmarks; or
• Earned a score of 1500 out of the 2400 possible points on the legacy SAT assessment administered prior to March 2016, or earn a minimum score of 480 points on the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and a minimum score of 530 points on the Math portion of the SAT administered on or after March 5, 2016.

Admission will be granted to students who hold competitive scholarships awarded by an official Texas Tech scholarship committee.

Admission Review

Applicants who do not meet assured admission criteria will have their records reviewed in order to evaluate other factors that could predict success at Texas Tech University. A committee will review applicants individually in a holistic manner. Academic performance, standardized test scores, and educational preparation are specifically considered for admission. Additional information used to evaluate a student’s potential for success includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • High school coursework, including advanced rigor
  • Dual credit (on an official college transcript)
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Leadership experiences
  • Civic or other service activities
  • Socioeconomic background
  • Family educational background
  • Bilingual proficiency
  • Special talents or awards
  • Diversity of experience

Admission Waitlist

Applicants who are placed on the Waitlist can become fully admitted by completing six qualifying credit hours through the Texas Tech Gateway Program, earn at least a 2.5 GPA at an accredited community college, and provide a final transcript of the qualifying college credit. Because Undergraduate Admissions will continue to review applications until April 1, waitlisted individuals also can provide additional items for consideration, such as updated test scores and revised/updated high school transcripts.

Admission Alternatives

First-year applicants who have been denied admission for the summer or fall semester are eligible to participate in alternative programs. Visit www.admissions.ttu.edu/gateway and www.depts.ttu.edu/ttap/ for details.

Transfer Admission

Undergraduate students who have attended an accredited college beyond high school graduation should apply as a transfer and may be accepted for admission to Texas Tech provided they meet admission requirements. Falsification or omission of application information can void admission to Texas Tech University. Applicants must complete the following:

  1. Submit a transfer application and pay a non-refundable application fee. The ApplyTexas Application is available at www.applytexas.org; the Common App application is available at www.commonapp.org/; and the Coalition application is available at www.mycoalition.org. The fee may be paid by check, money order, or online with a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover). If payment of the fee creates financial hardship, students may submit verification or documentation of need for a fee waiver along with the application and supporting documents for admission. Refer to Undergraduate Admissions website for Fee Waiver guidelines (www.admissions.ttu.edu/feewaiver). Applications will not be complete without either the application fee or fee waiver documentation. No waiver of the international application fee is available.
  2. Provide official transcript(s) of academic records from all institutions in which the applicant has been or is currently enrolled. Applicants must be eligible to return to all previous institutions.
  3. If transferring with fewer than 12 transferable completed hours, applicants must meet the same standards for admission as required of new first-year students entering from high school and have a minimum 2.0 transferable GPA in work completed. Applicants enrolled in their first semester of college after high school graduation should apply as transfer students but are required to submit a high school transcript and SAT or ACT scores and meet first-year admission requirements.

  4. Transfer applicants with 30 or more transferable hours must choose a major.

  5. The university reserves the right to modify its admission requirements to manage enrollment in high-demand areas.

  6. Some majors may have set various admission requirements in addition to the university admission requirements. Texas Tech University reserves the right to assign a major if applicants do not meet the qualifications for their major of choice. Please refer to www.admissions.ttu.edu/transfer for more information.

An unofficial copy of the high school transcript is necessary for academic advising prior to enrollment but not required for admission unless the student has less than 12 transferable hours.

In order to apply high school foreign language credits toward the basic foreign language requirements of Texas Tech University, students must provide an official copy of their high school transcript.

Transfer Advising

Transfer Advising provides pre-transfer academic advising services to prospective students. The office advises high school, community college, and four-year institution students who are Red Raider Bound. The key is for transfer students to work with transfer advisors early to make informed educational decisions identifying the courses and appropriate sequencing of coursework needed while at the prior institution to ensure successful applicability of earned transfer college credits toward a TTU degree.

Transfer advising includes review of transferrable courses/credits, a degree checklist and discussion of how transferrable credits will apply to a chosen TTU degree, course sequence planning, and course recommendations.

To view additional information and schedule an appointment, please visit: www.depts.ttu.edu/admissions/advising/

Assured Admission

Transfer applicants will be assured admission if they meet the following requirements (cumulative GPA is calculated with transferable credit only):

Transferrable Credit Hours Transfer GPA
12-23 2.5
24+ 2.25

Admission Review

Transfer students who do not meet assured admission requirements but have at least a 2.0 transferable GPA will be reviewed. The student’s major, types of courses taken, and pattern of progress, as well as high school records, essays, and standardized test scores may be considered in the admissions process. An essay explaining any extenuating circumstances is highly recommended.

Work in Progress

We will only consider coursework in progress for the long term prior to a student’s term of entry (summer not considered) in order to provide a decision on application for admission. If a student is applying for a fall term, Undergraduate Admissions must have final grades for all coursework taken the previous fall and prior; if a student is applying for a spring term, Undergraduate Admissions must have final grades for all coursework taken the previous spring and prior.

Conditional Admission

  • If a student is admitted with work in progress, the admission decision will be conditional.
  • Students can register for orientation with a conditional decision; however, they should provide a transcript showing all final grades before attending their orientation session. A registration hold will be placed on the student’s account to prevent registration until final grades are received.
  • Once the final transcript is received and the work is evaluated, applicants meeting university GPA requirements may be fully admitted to the university. Admission for applicants whose final transcript brings them below the minimum GPA may be rescinded.

Admission Requirements for Former Texas Tech Students

Application materials and deadlines for former Texas Tech students are available at www.admissions.ttu.edu/otheradmission. Official transcripts from all institutions attended subsequent to Texas Tech enrollment must be submitted by the application deadline. Students who were on probation, suspension, or second/subsequent suspension and are returning to Texas Tech should refer to the admission criteria under “Undergraduate Academic Standing Policy ” in the Academic Requirements  section of this catalog and on the website listed above. Students wishing to return to Texas Tech are required to have a 2.0 GPA on work completed during their absence and no work in progress.

Transient/non-Degree Seeking Applicants

Students who are not seeking degrees at Texas Tech University but wish to take courses at the university should use the Transient Application through www.applytexas.org. The application fee is required. Fee waivers are not accepted. Students should provide an official transcript from their most recently attended institution.

Second Undergraduate Degree-Seeking Applicants

Individuals seeking a second bachelor’s degree, including those who previously attended Texas Tech, should provide the following:

  • Transfer application through www.applytexas.orgwww.commonapp.org, or www.mycoalition.org (indicate you are seeking a second degree)
  • Application fee (fee waivers are not accepted)
  • Official transcript showing the date and type of bachelor’s degree that was conferred

An academic dean must approve admission to any program. Admissions will request this approval after the applicant’s file is complete.

Credit Transferred from Other Colleges and Universities

Evaluation of course credit earned at other institutions by the Transfer Evaluation Office does not decree approval of the credit for use toward degree requirements. Only the academic dean of the college offering the program in which a student is enrolled has authority for determining which courses will be applied toward any specific program. The only exception to this rule is that no transferred course completed with a grade below C- may be applied to fulfill course requirements in majors, minors, or concentrations.

Applicants must submit official records from all accredited institutions attended. Official transcripts must be sent directly to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. All college-level, non-vocational courses completed with a passing grade of D or above at regionally accredited colleges and universities (not including trade or technical schools) will be evaluated for acceptance of transfer credit by the Transfer Evaluation Office. The Transfer Evaluation Office determines acceptable transfer credit on the basis of an evaluation of course content as described from the sending institution’s catalog and in consultation with the appropriate academic units at Texas Tech University as necessary for clarification. While all credit hours presented on the sending institution’s transcripts will be evaluated and equivalent college-level courses posted to the student’s academic record, a maximum of 80 semester credit hours from two-year colleges may be applied toward Texas Tech University degree requirements. Courses that are accepted for transfer do not necessarily apply toward college, departmental, or program degree requirements. Transfer requirements are as follows:

  • Texas Tech University may accept up to 80 degree-applicable credit hours from any accredited two- or four-year institution.
  • Students may apply to bring in up to 90 degree-applicable credit hours provided that a minimum of ten degree-applicable hours are upper division (3xxx/4xxx) and from a four-year institution. The student’s home department, college, and the Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs must approve the request.
  • The last 30 hours of the degree must be taken in residence, defined as instructed by Texas Tech University. Students may petition their academic dean for exceptions to this requirement.
  • A minimum of 40 credit hours must be upper division.

Students are encouraged to meet with the academic advisors of the college in which they plan to enroll to discuss that college’s policies on applicability of transfer credit for degree purposes. Credit hours will be applied to degree programs and majors when courses are deemed equivalent to the Texas Tech courses that satisfy various program requirements by the college in which the student is seeking a degree.

Students wishing to transfer credit to Texas Tech from a nonaccredited institution must (1) complete 30 semester credit hours of work in residence at Texas Tech with at least a 2.0 GPA and (2) receive approval from the academic dean in order to validate credits for transfer.

Guidelines for Transfer of College Credit

  • Transcript – Original copies of official college transcripts from which the academic credit was originally taken will be reviewed, and all coursework will be evaluated before transfer credit will be posted to a student’s permanent academic record. Courses that may have been accepted for credit by another institution will not necessarily be accepted by Texas Tech. Texas Tech will not transfer credit for any college course documented only on a high school transcript.

  • Grade – Nonvocational, college-level courses completed with a grade of D or above at another accredited institution (including courses taken on a pass/fail basis and passed) will normally be accepted for transfer. No transferred course completed with a grade below C- may be applied to fulfill course requirements in majors, minors, or concentrations. Courses completed with codes indicating no grade or credit will not be transferred. This includes courses from which a student has withdrawn or received a grade of incomplete.

  • Classification Level – Courses will transfer to Texas Tech at the level at which the courses were taken at the transfer institution. Credit hours taken at a junior or community college may not be transferred as upper-division work, even when the Texas Common Course Numbering System designation indicates similar course content.

  • Credit Hour – Transfer credit will be awarded on a semester credit hour scale for all courses, including courses transferred in on quarter-hour scales. Credit transferred in on quarter-hour scales will be converted to semester credit hours.

  • Credit by Examination – Credit by examination will be accepted when the student provides documentation of appropriate test scores on an original score report from the national testing organization or official high school transcript. Credit is awarded according to Texas Tech University’s credit by examination guidelines.

  • Course Equivalency – Transfer courses that have received an equivalent course evaluation by the Texas Tech academic department will be honored and are degree applicable. Changes to the equivalent may be requested annually by the department.

  • Block or General Credit – Transfer courses that do not receive an equivalent course evaluation by the Texas Tech academic department but are eligible for transfer will be assigned block or general transfer credit for the subject and level (1—, 2—, 3—, or 4—).

  • Repeat Courses – When a course has been repeated at another institution, the credit award will match credit granted on the sending institutions’ transcript. Only the most recent grade notation on the transcript will be transferred and posted to the student’s academic record, unless the course is designated in the institution’s catalog as “may be repeated for credit.”

  • Academic Standing – Transferability of courses will not be affected by a student’s academic standing (i.e., probation, suspension), but credits earned while on academic suspension from Texas Tech University will apply to a degree plan only if approved by the student’s academic dean.

  • Nontraditional Educational Experiences – Credit granted for nontraditional educational experiences by community colleges or other universities will not be accepted for transfer. These include courses taken at a non-degree-granting institution, life or work experience, and work completed at specialized proprietary schools.

  • WECM (Workforce Education), Technical, or Vocational Courses – Courses will not be accepted for transfer, except in the following circumstances:

  1. The student has transferred in a complete Applied Associates degree from an accredited, two-year institution and is enrolled in a B.A.A.S. program or in University Studies; or
  2. The student is enrolled in a degree program as part of an Articulation Agreement with another institution and WECM courses are an approved component of that Agreement; or
  3. The student obtains approval from the home department, college, and Senior Vice Provost to transfer in individual WECM courses. To request permission, the student must provide syllabi for all requested transfers, document the credentials of the instructor of record for the course(s) in question, obtain departmental approval for the transfer, and obtain college-level recommendation for the transfer.
  • Support Courses – Credit for specialized support courses such as math, science, and English intended for use in an occupational program will not be transferred.

  • Remedial or Developmental Courses – Credit will not be accepted for transfer, and the credit hours for these courses will not be reflected on the student’s academic record at Texas Tech.

  • Nonaccredited Institution Courses – Nonvocational, college-level courses from a nonaccredited institution may be posted to the student’s academic record only after the student has validated the credits for transfer with the student’s academic dean according to Texas Tech policy.

Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS)

The Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS) has been designed to aid students in the transfer of general academic courses between Texas public colleges and universities throughout the state. The system ensures students that courses designated as common will be accepted for transfer, and the credit will be treated as if the courses had actually been taken on the receiving institution’s campus. Texas Tech courses identified as common will have the Common Course Number listed in brackets in each course description. For more information concerning the Texas Common Course Numbering System, please visit the TCCNS web page at www.tccns.org. Visit www.reg.ttu.edu for information on how your credit will transfer.

Transfer Disputes Involving Lower-Division Courses

If a dispute occurs involving the transfer of lower-division courses, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has established the following procedures to resolve the dispute:

  • If an institution of higher education does not accept course credit earned by a student at another institution of higher education, the receiving institution shall give written notice to the student and to the sending institution that transfer of the course credit is denied. The receiving institution shall also provide written notice of the reasons for denying credit for a particular course or set of courses at the request of the sending institution.
  • A student who receives notice as specified above may dispute the denial of credit by contacting a designated official at either the sending or the receiving institution.
  • The two institutions and the student shall attempt to resolve the transfer of the course credit in accordance with Coordinating Board rules and guidelines.
  • If the transfer dispute is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student or the sending institution within 45 days after the date the student received written notice of denial, the institution that denies the course credit for transfer shall notify the Commissioner of Higher Education of its denial and the reasons for the denial.

The Commissioner of Higher Education or the Commissioner’s designee shall make the final determination about a dispute concerning the transfer of course credit and give written notice of the determination to the involved student and institutions. The Coordinating Board shall collect data on the types of transfer disputes that are reported and the disposition of each case that is considered by the Commissioner or the Commissioner’s designee.

If a receiving institution has cause to believe that a course being presented by a student for transfer from another school is not of an acceptable level of quality, it should first contact the sending institution and attempt to resolve the problem. In the event that the two institutions are unable to come to a satisfactory resolution, the receiving institution may notify the Commissioner of Higher Education, who may investigate the course. If its quality is found to be unacceptable, the Coordinating Board may discontinue funding for the course.

Approval for Concurrent Attendance at Other Institutions

Students who are registered at Texas Tech and wish to register concurrently at another institution must obtain prior written approval from the academic dean of the college in which they are enrolled. This approval applies to all courses in progress elsewhere at the time of registration and those begun during the semester. A student registered at another institution but wishing to enroll concurrently for credit at Texas Tech will be considered as a first-year or transfer (where appropriate) student and will be required to meet the standards for such students. Concurrent registration resulting in a combined enrollment beyond a maximum load at this institution will not be permitted.

Credit for Core Requirements Taken at Another State Institution

In accordance with the rules mandated by the Texas Legislature concerning the transfer of core curriculum: “If a student successfully completes the 42 semester credit hour core curriculum at an institution of higher education, that block of courses may be transferred to any other institution of higher education and must be substituted for the receiving institution’s core curriculum. A student shall receive academic credit for each of the courses transferred and may not be required to take additional core curriculum courses at the receiving institution unless the board has approved a larger core curriculum at that institution.” (Section 5.402, d)

Credit for Educational Courses Completed in the Armed Services

Credit may be given for formal service school courses completed in the armed services after evaluation of official documents by the Transfer Evaluation Office. The student’s academic dean decides if credit awarded for such courses will be applied toward requirements for the bachelor’s degree.

Texas Success Initiative (TSI)

The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) is a developmental education program mandated by the state of Texas to ensure that students enrolled in Texas public colleges and universities possess the necessary academic skills to succeed. State regulations require that all students enrolling in public higher education institutions demonstrate college readiness in reading, writing, and mathematics by earning passing scores on the TSI Assessment Test or providing proof of exempting ACT, SAT, STAAR, or TAKS test scores; an associate’s or bachelor’s degree from an accredited public institution of higher education; honorable discharge from the U.S. military; or active U.S. military service. More information can be found at www.depts.ttu.edu/registrar/private/tsi.

The TSI Assessment Test is available through Academic Testing Services, 214 West Hall, 806.742.3671. Students will need to present their driver’s license or passport for identification purposes. After testing, student must submit their test scores to the TSI Compliance Office, 103A West Hall.

Students with questions about their status regarding the Texas Success Initiative should contact the TSI Compliance Office at 806.742.3661. Students who have tested but did not meet the minimum scores in one or more sections of the TSI Assessment Test are required to obtain TSI advising through the TSI Developmental Education Office, 806.742.3242, www.depts.ttu.edu/tsi.

Developmental courses offered by the TSI program are listed here .

Red Raider Orientation

Red Raider Orientation (RRO) is a mandatory program designed to provide all incoming undergraduate students an opportunity to meet with an academic advisor, register for classes, gather information about Texas Tech programs and services, and learn the history and traditions of the university. All new undergraduate students are required to attend RRO in order to register for classes. For more information, view www.redraiderorientation.ttu.edu, email redraiderorientation@ttu.edu, or call 806.742.2993.

Special Programs

Academic Fresh Start

Any applicant who elects to participate in this program should do so at the time of application and must otherwise meet current freshmen or transfer admissions requirements. State residents may apply for admission to Texas public universities without consideration being given to academic work completed 10 or more years prior to the semester in which the applicant seeks to enroll. An applicant who is admitted under this plan may not receive any credit for courses taken 10 or more years prior to enrollment. Applicants should complete Transfer application at ApplyTexas.org as well as the Fresh Start application located on the Undergraduate Admissions website www.depts.ttu.edu/admissions/freshstart.php

If a student enrolled under this program completes a prescribed course of study, earns a baccalaureate degree, and applies for admission to a postgraduate or professional program offered by a public institution of higher education, the admitting institution will only consider the grade point average earned after the student enrolled under this program (along with other criteria the institution used to evaluate applicants for admission). See www.admissions.ttu.edu/otheradmission for additional information and application.

Admission for Current High School Students

Texas Tech University supports several programs that allow students to attend courses at Texas Tech while they are still attending high school, including:

Compass Program. The Compass Program is designed to introduce academically gifted, intellectually curious, mature, and responsible high school students to the college curriculum at Texas Tech University. Selected high school candidates will be invited to enroll in Texas Tech University courses and to engage with college-level coursework, to be mentored by TTU faculty, and to experience the university while still enrolled in high school. Acceptance will be based on SAT/ACT scores, class ranking, and application packet. Email the Honors College (honors@ttu.edu) for more information or visit www.depts.ttu.edu/honors/academicsandenrichment/affiliatedandhighschool/compass.

Early College High School. Texas Tech University has a partnership with Lubbock Independent School District (LISD) to support an Early College High School campus at Estacado High School. Visit www.lubbockisd.org for complete details on this unique partnership.

OnRamps. OnRamps is an innovative dual enrollment program that enables high school students to experience the academic rigor of college and earn college credit at Texas Tech University while these students are still in high school. Please visit www.depts.ttu.edu/provost/onramps/about/index.php for further information.

Senior Academy Program for Ages 55+

This program is designed for students age 55 and above, who are Texas residents, and who wish to enrich their later years through the adventure of lifelong learning. Adults eligible for Senior Academy can enroll either to earn a degree or take a series of classes for personal enrichment. No transcripts or SAT or ACT scores will be required for nondegree-seeking students. For more information and the application, visit the Office of Undergraduate Admissions website (www.admissions.ttu.edu/otheradmission). Students are encouraged to contact Student Business Services at sbs@ttu.edu to ensure that their benefit is applied.

Contact Information

Undergraduate Admissions
Texas Tech University
Box 45005  |  Lubbock, Texas 79409-5005
T 806.742.1480 |  F 806.742.0062

International Undergraduate Admissions
Texas Tech University
Box 45004  |  Lubbock, Texas 79409-5004
T 806.742.3667

Undergraduate Credit by Examination

It is the general policy of the university to recognize academic achievement of students gained by means other than through performance in organized classes. Students will be given the opportunity to receive credit by examination in all courses in which proficiency may be determined by examination. The award of credit by examination will be based upon the score requirements in place during the most current of the following, but no earlier than the student’s first term of entry to Texas Tech University: (1) the first term of entry to Texas Tech University or (2) the term in which the scores are presented to Texas Tech University. Students may achieve a high level of proficiency in certain subject areas through advanced work in high school, participation in advanced placement programs, or independent study. The university strongly encourages such superior attainment, recognizes it for academic purposes, and permits students who have done such work to obtain course credit through examination.

Students at Texas Tech University may attempt credit by examination for degree credit during their first year, sophomore, junior, and senior years. The student is responsible for taking the tests early enough to allow sufficient time for scores to be reported to the university and processed by the Office of the Registrar. All students in the College of Arts & Sciences should see the Credit by Examination paragraph in the General Degree Requirements for the College of Arts & Sciences for the college’s regulations regarding credit by exam, including lead time required for graduation processing and for foreign language exams. Students classified as seniors in colleges other than Arts & Sciences should plan to attempt credit by examination prior to the semester of graduation. Seniors must notify their academic dean’s office prior to attempting credit by examination and provide proof of notification upon registering for an exam at Academic Testing Services.

For those who successfully earn test credit, the grade will not be calculated into their grade point average but will appear on the transcript as follows depending on which test was taken: CLP, AP, DE, FLP, and IB. Course credit earned by examination is recorded by the registrar on the student’s transcript as “(Number) hours of credit via credit by examination program in (course equivalent),” and no grade points are awarded. Course credit by examination may not be used to satisfy the 30-hour minimum residence credit requirement for graduation. Any current, former, or prospective Texas Tech student may attempt to earn undergraduate course credit using the designated exam options. Some credit-by-exam programs (AP and IB) are only administered at participating high schools. CLEP exams are a credit-by-exam option for several undergraduate subjects and are administered at Texas Tech throughout the year and during Red Raider Orientation. Students may not use credit-by-exam options to attempt to remove or replace a grade that has already been earned in a Texas Tech course. The student is responsible for complying with the following procedures:

  1. All CLEP exams are computer-based. Appointments to use the computers and schedule the exams must be made through Academic Testing Services in 214 West Hall, 806.742.3671. For more information on CLEP, visit the Academic Testing Services website, www.depts.ttu.edu/testing or www.collegeboard.com.
  2. The student is responsible for having test scores sent to Texas Tech University. CLEP scores must be sent to the university directly from College Board. The student is responsible for completing tests for lower-level courses in sufficient time to qualify for registering for higher-level courses.
  3. Students classified as seniors should plan to attempt credit by examination prior to the semester of graduation. Seniors must notify their academic dean’s office prior to attempting credit by examination and provide proof of notification upon registering for an exam at Academic Testing Services.
  4. After the 12th day of classes, credit by examination may be attempted for a course one is enrolled in only upon written approval of the appropriate academic dean’s office.
  5. Matriculated students seeking credit by examination in foreign languages not offered through the CLEP program are required to work with Academic Testing Services to test via the 16-point exam given by the Foreign Language Proficiency Testing Service of the New York University School of Continuing and Professional Studies or the University of Pennsylvania Language Proficiency Testing Services. (The requirement for sitting for the 16-point exam from New York University is uniform and applicable to all students unless an exception is requested. An exception is granted when the student’s home college requires less than 16 hours of foreign language credit. Students may, on a case-by-case basis, request permission to complete the 12-point exam as an alternative to the 16-point exam. Requests will be reviewed by Academic Testing Services in consultation with the student’s Academic Dean.) If the language to be tested is not available through Texas Tech, NYU, or the University of Pennsylvania, the student must work through Academic Testing Services to locate another accredited university distance program. Credit by examination through other institutions’ distance education programs often takes a minimum of two long semesters for scores to be reported to Texas Tech, and all language score reports subsequently must be evaluated by the Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures to determine credit awarded. It is the student’s responsibility to plan in advance, in consultation with the appropriate academic dean’s office, for scores to arrive and evaluation credit to be applied to the transcript in time to meet individual deadlines.
  6. In cooperation and compliance with federal nondiscrimination laws and policies, credit by examination is open to all persons. Students with mostly A and B grades who have higher admission test scores are encouraged to consider attempting credit by examination.
  7. College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests cannot be repeated before six months have passed.
  8. Accommodations for nonstandard testing must be submitted in writing (before the test date) and supported by documentation from a professional who is licensed and certified to diagnose the disability. All requests are subject to approval and must be scheduled with Academic Testing Services, 214 West Hall, 806.742.3671.

A student may earn course credit by examination from the following approved programs:

  • AP – Advanced Placement Examinations that are a part of the College Board Advanced Placement Program available in a limited number of secondary schools.
  • CLEP – Specified subject examinations of the College Board College Level Examination Program.
  • IB – The International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma and/or examinations, dependent upon departmental evaluation.
  • Departmental examinations prepared, administered, and scored by faculty members who teach the related course.

Many courses in the credit-by-examination program are prerequisites for higher-level courses; therefore, students seeking credit by examination must plan so that this credit can be assured before registering for advanced courses. Information regarding test dates and fees for national standardized examinations is available from Academic Testing Services at Texas Tech. It is the student’s responsibility to request that test scores be sent to the university. Information concerning each of the testing programs is provided in this section, but students should note that policies and fees are subject to change.

Credit for Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations. The Advanced Placement Examination is the standardized final exam for a course offered in participating secondary schools. The objective of the AP is to allow students to begin work toward college credit while still in high school. Students should check with their high school counselor or principal as to the availability of the AP examinations in their school. The AP exam is offered once a year during May at designated high schools. AP scores are reported to the university in July.

Credit for College Level Examination Program (CLEP). Under the College Level Examination Program, the university will award credit only for specified examinations. Accepted exams vary among institutions, so students should be aware of which exams are accepted at Texas Tech. As with the other College Board testing programs, a student may attempt a CLEP examination at a national CLEP testing center before enrolling and have the scores reported to the university. However, these examinations are offered on the Texas Tech campus during Red Raider Orientation conferences, as well as several times each month throughout the year.

NOTE: Scores accepted for credit vary among universities. Students are responsible for knowing what scores are accepted at Texas Tech. Required scores are psychometrically scaled conversions and do not correlate on a one-point, one-question basis, nor is the required score a percentile.

Further information about the CLEP tests may be obtained from a high school counselor or principal; www.collegeboard.com; or Academic Testing Services, Texas Tech University, Box 45002, Lubbock, TX 79409-5002, 806.742.3671.

Credit by Departmental Examination. Any current or former Texas Tech student (or prospective student) may attempt to earn credit by examination for any undergraduate course provided the student has neither passed nor failed that course at Texas Tech. Several departments within the university prepare, administer, score, and award credit for their own examinations. Credit for specific courses is given upon satisfactory performance of the comprehensive examinations that are administered by the departments responsible for the courses and recommended by the deans of the respective colleges. To be eligible to attempt credit by departmental examination, a student must not have previously audited, enrolled in, or attempted credit by examination in the course. A student must apply in writing to the responsible department at least 30 days prior to taking a departmental examination for credit. Course credit earned by Texas Tech University departmental exam is not guaranteed to transfer to another institution. Further information regarding any credit by departmental examination should be secured directly from the academic department concerned.

Credit for International Baccalaureate (IB) Examinations and/or Diploma. The International Baccalaureate is an international program of courses and examinations offered at the high school level. Texas Tech welcomes students in the IB program and will grant a minimum of 24 hours credit for an IB Diploma completed with Higher or Standard Level exam scores of 4 - 7. For those individuals who participate in IB courses but do not have an IB Diploma, individual course credit may be earned based on the subject and score obtained on specified IB exams. Students must send an official IB examination transcript to Texas Tech to receive credit.

Exams for Advanced Placement (AP) Program


Exams for College Level Examination Program (CLEP)


Exams for International Baccalaureate (IB)


Undergraduate Admission Requirements for Specific Colleges

Undergraduates who are accepted for admission to Texas Tech University will be enrolled in one of the degree-granting units of the university listed below. In addition to university admission requirements, individual degree programs may have admission requirements that must be met before acceptance into the program.

Office of the Provost

  • The admission requirements of this division are the same as those for the university.

College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources

  • The admission requirements of the college are the same as those for the university.

College of Architecture

  • Admission requirements for First-Year Undergraduate students are the same as those for the university.

    • Admission into the second year of the pre-professional program occurs at the end of year one and is competitive and based on a comprehensive review of the student’s portfolio and GPA.

  • Transfer students choosing to major in architecture will be admitted to architecture by transferring with a 3.0 GPA.

    • Placement within the program is based on portfolio, transcript and statement of intent.

College of Arts & Sciences

  • With the exception of the following majors, the admission requirements of the college are the same as those for the university.
    • First-time freshmen wishing to major in Biology, Microbiology, or Cell & Molecular Biology must meet assured admission criteria. Transfer students wishing to enter these majors must have a 2.5 minimum GPA on transferable hours taken. (Effective fall 2018 and thereafter.)
    • First-time freshmen wishing to major in Physics and Astronomy must meet assured admission criteria. Transfer students wishing to enter this major must have a 2.5 GPA on transferable hours taken. (Effective spring 2019 and thereafter.)
    • Returning students who wish to major in Geosciences, Kinesiology, and Sport Management must have a 2.5 GPA on Texas Tech hours earned.
  • Freshmen or transfer students who are considering majors within this college may be admitted into a general major known as Arts & Sciences Undeclared (AS-BA-ASUD) until they select an A&S degree program in which they intend to graduate. Students transferring from another institution with less than 30 hours (including coursework in progress) may choose ASUD. Students who have completed 30 or more hours must declare a major to be considered for admission to this college.
  • Transfer students must have a minimum 2.0 transfer GPA to enter the college.

Jerry S. Rawls College of Business

  • First-time freshmen wishing to major in any business discipline must meet assured admission criteria and be TSI-compliant. Upon completion of the lower-division business core with grades of C or higher and attainment of a minimum 2.75 Texas Tech GPA, students may declare a major. For more information on majors, check the Jerry S. Rawls College of Business section of the catalog.
  • Students transferring from any institution must have a minimum of 15 transferable hours, a minimum 2.75 transfer GPA, and be TSI-compliant. Transfer GPA includes all transfer coursework completed prior to attending Texas Tech University.
    • Effective Fall 2022, students transferring and wishing to major in business must have also completed MATH 1331  (TCCN MATH 1325) or MATH 1451  (TCCN 2413), with a grade of C or higher. This requirement is in addition to the transfer requirements outlined above.

College of Education

  • The admission requirements of the college are the same as those for the university.
  • Freshmen and transfer students wishing to become teachers will major in Education. The Education degree will also allow for certification in Bilingual Education, Special Education, or English as a Second Language. Students wishing to become science teachers (grades 7-12) may major in multidisciplinary science.
  • Students who major in the college or who major in another college and wish to become teachers must apply for admission to the Teacher Education Program. Requirements and applications are available online at www.educ.ttu.edu.
  • Students must be able to meet the 2.75 GPA requirement for admission to the teacher preparation program in order to be accepted. Transfer students should consider the completed number of hours and GPA before completing a transfer to the College of Education.

Edward E. Whitacre, Jr. College of Engineering

  • First-time freshmen or transfer students with fewer than 12 transferable credit hours must be accepted to the university with assured admission status and be TSI compliant. Applicants who meet these criteria will be placed into their program of choice and initially work to complete a foundational curriculum. Upon completion of the foundational coursework, a student must apply and be successfully admitted to an engineering upper-division degree program. Students who are not successfully admitted to an upper-division degree program must transfer out of the college.
  • Students who do not qualify to be directly admitted to the Whitacre College of Engineering but still intend to pursue an engineering degree will be initially admitted to the Explore STEM designation.
  • Transfer students must have 24 or more hours of transferable coursework and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 that includes the work at all previous institutions, and be TSI-compliant. Regardless of the number of hours and the specific courses included in the transfer credits, external transfer students are initially accepted into the lower-division foundational curriculum of their degree program and must complete a minimum of 12 hours of Texas Tech coursework before application to the upper-division degree program. Eligibility for admission to the upper division is based exclusively on the Texas Tech cumulative GPA prescribed by each department. Transfer students with fewer than 24 hours of transferable credit will begin in Explore STEM.
  • Admission into the petroleum engineering major is governed by all of the following criteria. 1) Student’s ranking (according to their Texas Tech cumulative GPA) must reside in the top 250 foundation petroleum engineering students; 2) Texas Tech cumulative GPA must be 3.4 or higher; and 3) upper-level program admission occurs solely between the fall and spring semesters.
  • Admission into upper-level program for mechanical engineering is a Texas Tech cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • Admission into all other upper-level programs excluding mechanical engineering and petroleum engineering is a Texas Tech cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.
  • All applicants admitted into the Whitacre College of Engineering must be TSI compliant.

Honors College

  • Students who are admitted to a major within another college at the university but wish to be a member of the Honors College must submit an additional application to the Honors College at honors.ttu.edu. It is recommended that incoming freshmen applicants have a minimum score of 1300 on the SAT or 1360 Revised SAT, 29 on the ACT and/or be in the top 10 percent of their high school graduating class. The minimum requirement for a current Texas Tech student or transfer student to apply to the Honors College is a 3.5 GPA. Special care is taken in reading the essays on the application. While good scores and class rank may be positive attributes to the candidate’s dossier, they do not guarantee an invitation to the Honors College as the applicant pool is very competitive and space is limited in the college.
  • Admission requirements for the degree in Honors Sciences and the Humanities are contingent on successful admission to the Honors College.
  • December 1 is the priority deadline for the Honors College; the application closes on March 1.

College of Human Sciences

  • Students meeting the admission requirements of the university will be admitted to any major within the College of Human Sciences with the exception of Interior Design; Counseling and Addiction Recovery Sciences; and Human Development and Family Sciences.
  • For admission into interior design, transfer students must have at least a 2.7 GPA. Incoming freshmen must be “assured admit” status. Applicants not meeting minimum GPA requirements will be placed into the interior design undeclared major.
  • For admission into Counseling and Addiction Recovery Sciences or Human Development and Family Sciences, transfer students must have at least a 2.5 GPA. Applicants not meeting minimum GPA requirements will be placed into the corresponding undeclared major.
  • Students seeking teacher certification in Early Childhood Education or Family and Consumer Sciences Education must meet university requirements for admission to the Teacher Education program, including 60 credit hours completed toward the student’s major and a 2.75 cumulative GPA.
  • Students who do not qualify to be directly admitted to the program of their choice in the College of Human Sciences but still intend to pursue a degree in that program area will be initially admitted to appropriate undeclared designation.
  • The Early Child Care – Online program requires 30 hours of transferable credit and a 2.5 or higher GPA and a Lifespan Human Development course.

College of Media & Communication

  • The admission requirements of the college are the same as those for the university.

J.T. & Margaret Talkington College of Visual & Performing Arts

  • The academic admission requirements of the college are the same as those for the university. In addition, specific programs require a portfolio, audition, and/or interview.

  • Students applying to the School of Art will be initially admitted to art incoming (ARTI) until they submit a portfolio. Please see the School of Art entry in this catalog for complete portfolio instructions.

  • Students applying to the School of Music will be initially admitted to music audition required (MUAR) until their audition. Music majors must audition and be admitted into their declared principal applied area with the appropriate faculty for acceptance into any music program. Prospective students should contact the School of Music directly to inquire about audition requirements and the timing of auditions for each specific program.

  • Students applying to the School of Theatre and Dance will be initially admitted to theatre and dance admitted (THDA). Entrance to the B.F.A. theatre arts program is by audition and interview. Students pursuing dance majors, minors, and concentrations must audition for acceptance into any dance program. Prospective students should contact the School of Theatre and Dance directly to inquire about audition requirements and the timing of auditions for each specific program.

  • Art or music students who do not submit a portfolio or who do not pass an audition will be changed to Visual & Performing Arts Undecided (VPUD).