Feb 15, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Advising and Support

Academic Advising

Texas Tech academic advisors serve as university guides for students on their path toward academic progress and graduation. Advisors facilitate student growth and development, guide degree plan implementation, and assist students in navigating the world of higher education. Every major and every department provide academic advisors, either faculty or professional, to work with students during their academic careers. Academic advising is an active process that requires input and investment from the student and the advisor. Students maintain ultimate responsibility for their academic progress; the advisor holds the role of guide, facilitator, mentor.

Academic advising is not simply course selection advising. The goal of academic advising is to provide a means of communication and a consistent point of contact for academic support and progress. To that end, many departments require regular meetings between advisors and students prior to registration for the following term. Students should be aware of the advising requirements from their college and department.

Academic Recovery Process

All students admitted to Texas Tech have the potential to be academically successful. Texas Tech recognizes that many factors can undermine a student’s academic performance. The Office of the Provost provides dedicated academic advisors and the Academic Recovery Process to engage, review, and advise motivated students who, for whatever reason, have found themselves on academic suspension or academic dismissal.

Through intensive academic advising, students will develop a personalized Academic Recovery Plan that will investigate the causes of past academic underperformance, anticipate future challenges, identify and implement strategies for addressing these issues, and construct short- and long-term course selections to speed and support recovery.

This generalized Academic Recovery Process is required for all students in exploratory designations who fall on academic warning, academic probation, and for declared students in some academic colleges. Students who are not in academic good standing should review the policy on academic standing and check with their Associate Academic Dean to determine the best route back to academic success. Students who are denied when applying to return to any specific academic college from academic suspension or academic dismissal may be eligible to return to the university as exploratory students after successfully completing an approved Academic Recovery Plan with University Advising.

Contact: Texas Tech University Advising, 347 Drane Hall, 806.742.2189, advising@ttu.edu, www.advising.ttu.edu/recover

Academic Testing Services

Academic Testing Services provides a wide variety of standardized exams integral to the admissions, enrollment, matriculation, and graduation/certification/licensure requirements of Texas Tech, the state of Texas, and specific employers recruiting Texas Tech graduates. These standardized exams meet specific requirement needs for undergraduate, graduate, and professional career path programs at Texas Tech. Exams administered include, but are not limited to, the following: GRE, PRAXIS, TEAS, and TSI. To learn more about TSI compliance see www.depts.ttu.edu/tsi/.

ADA Testing Accommodations are available to students registered through Student Disability Services. This program provides an optimal test environment for students needing extended test time, reduced distractions, Kurzweil, CCTV, and assigned readers/scribes, etc. Testing protocol is based on the student’s approved Letter of Accommodation issued by Student Disability Services.

Additional programs include classroom make-up exams, CLEP and other credit-by-exam options, and proctoring for distance-learning exams. All exams are administered by expert staff in an appropriate proctored test environment.

Students may choose to take the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) rather than the TOEFL. However, IELTS is not administered on the Texas Tech campus. A full list of test centers is available on the IELTS website at www.ielts.org. Information regarding scores accepted at Texas Tech for both the TOEFL and the IELTS can be found in the Admissions and Graduate School sections of this catalog.

Contact: Pat McConnel, Director; 214 West Hall; 806.742.3671; testing@ttu.edu; www.depts.ttu.edu/testing

First Generation Transition & Mentoring Programs

First-Generation Transition & Mentoring Programs is dedicated to increasing the retention and graduation rates of first-generation college (FGC) students as they pursue a degree at Texas Tech University. Through peer mentorship, social engagement, and First-Gen success pathways, FGTMP is focused on supporting First-Gen students as they navigate each phase of their university experience leading towards graduation and beyond. Program participants will gain an expanded network of support in order to promote their personal, social, and academic well-being. FGTMP is committed to creating an inclusive space for First-Gen students so that they feel a greater sense of belonging at Texas Tech.

Contact: 119D Doak, 806.742.7060, https://www.depts.ttu.edu/diversity/FGTMP/

Marsha Sharp Center for Student Athletes

The Marsha Sharp Center for Student Athletes is a facility to support the academic success of student athletes at Texas Tech. The 15,500-square-foot facility has a hall of honor to recognize the academic performance of student athletes, one classroom, two computer labs, tutoring rooms, and administrative offices. In addition to enhancing academic performance of student athletes, the center also serves as the primary facility to administer the J.T. and Margaret Talkington Leadership Academy for student athletes at the university. It is also a meeting facility for the Student Athlete Advisory Committee and for other athletic and campus meetings and events.

Office of Community College and Transfer Relations

The Office of Community College & Transfer Relations has been incorporated into Undergraduate Admissions. Effective January 2, 2018, the office is now the Office of Undergraduate Admissions Transfer Advising. 

Support Operations for Academic Retention (SOAR)

Learning Center

The Learning Center’s mission is to provide students with the resources needed to obtain academic independence and success in a welcoming environment.

The Learning Center provides resources to enhance the academic success of all enrolled Texas Tech undergraduate students by offering the following free services:

  • Drop-in peer tutoring for Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Accounting, Engineering, and other courses.

  • Academic Coaching designed to provide students with skills such as time management, note taking, goal setting, and test-taking strategies.

  • Online tutoring available Monday through Thursday from 7:30 to 10 p.m. (www.lc.soar.ttu.edu)

  • A study area to accommodate individual and group studying.

The Learning Center is open Monday–Thursday (8 a.m. to 8 p.m.) and Friday (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) for In-Person and Online Tutoring. Monday-Thursday also offers solely Online tutoring from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Contact: www.lc.soar.ttu.edu, 806.742.3664

Social Media:

Programs for Academic Development and Retention (PADR)

PADR courses are primarily college specific and focus on developing purpose and direction, addressing and overcoming factors that limit academic performance, and effectively utilizing campus resources to build and maintain academic success. Classes meet three hours per week for 12 weeks and average 25-35 students each. For more information about the PADR program, visit www.padr.soar.ttu.edu.

Programs for Academic Development and Retention offices are open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Contact: Box 45020 Lubbock, TX. 79409, www.padr.soar.ttu.edu, 806.742.3928

Supplemental Instruction (SI)

Supplemental Instruction (SI) targets historically difficult courses and offers students weekly peer-led review sessions. SI sessions are free for all undergraduate students who want to improve their understanding of course material and grades.

Research shows that students who regularly attend SI sessions achieve an average grade level one-half to one full letter grade higher than students who do not attend.

SI sessions are led by professor-recommended students, known as SI Leaders, who have shown excellent competency in the subject area. The SI Leaders attend every lecture, create activities and worksheets for each session based on the material presented in the most recent lecture, and emphasize ways to be successful in the course. SI review sessions offer guaranteed study time and additional support outside of the classroom. Please refer to www.si.soar.ttu.edu for the current schedule of SI sessions.

Contact: Box 45020, Lubbock, TX 79409; www.si.soar.ttu.edu, 806.742.3664

Texas Success Initiative (TSI)

The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) is a developmental education program mandated by the state of Texas to ensure that students enrolled in Texas public colleges and universities possess the necessary academic skills to succeed. State regulations require that all students enrolling in public higher education institutions demonstrate college readiness in reading, writing, and mathematics by earning passing scores on the TSI Assessment Test or providing proof of exempting ACT, SAT, STAAR, or TAKS test scores; an associate’s or bachelor’s degree from an accredited public institution of higher education; honorable discharge from the U.S. military; or active U.S. military service. More information can be found at www.depts.ttu.edu/registrar/private/tsi.

The TSI Assessment Test is available through Academic Testing Services, 214 West Hall, 806.742.3671. Students will need to present their driver’s license or passport for identification purposes. After testing, students must submit their test scores to the TSI Compliance Office, 103A West Hall.

Students with questions about their status regarding the Texas Success Initiative should contact the TSI Compliance Office at 806.742.3661. Students who have tested but did not meet the minimum scores in one or more sections of the TSI Assessment Test are required to obtain TSI advising through the TSI Developmental Education Office, 806.742.3242, www.depts.ttu.edu/tsi.

TSI Courses (TSI)

Integrated Reading and Writing


TSI Non-Course-Based Option Courses (NCBO)

Integrated Reading and Writing


Refresher TSI Workshop Courses (REF)

Integrated Reading and Writing


Tech Transfer Acceleration Program (TTAP)

The Tech Transfer Acceleration Program (TTAP) is a partnership between Texas Tech University and South Plains College (SPC). To qualify for the program, students must have applied and been denied admittance to Texas Tech. After subsequently applying and being accepted into TTAP and South Plains College, each student must co-enroll in a minimum of 12 credit hours at SPC and one credit hour at Texas Tech during each semester.

TTAP students live in the residence halls and attend SPC courses on the Texas Tech campus. The goal is for each student to complete a minimum of 12 credit hours and achieve a cumulative 2.5 GPA by the end of the semester to transfer successfully to Texas Tech.

All TTAP students must attend mandatory orientation prior to the first class day, adhere to the program requirements, and maintain at least a 2.5 GPA.

Contact: TTAP Office, 347 Drane Hall, www.ttap.ttu.edu, 806.742.3645.

TECHniques Center

The TECHniques Center, a program of Student Disability Services, is a fee-for-service academic enhancement program that is the only one of its kind at a public institution in Texas. The program provides supplemental academic support services to meet the needs and promote the retention of undergraduate students with documented evidence of learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders.

Student participants are undergraduates majoring in degree programs that they have chosen. They are expected to meet the same academic requirements and have the same curricula as other students. Qualified staff members work closely with students enrolled in this program to provide support, assistance, and guidance. Certified tutors provide interactive study skills and content tutoring and are trained to work with each student’s individual learning style.

Contact: 1H1 Weeks Hall, www.techniques.ttu.edu, 806.742.1822, techniques.center@ttu.edu

TTU eXplore Program for Students Exploring Majors

Choosing a major is a big decision, but the decision does not have to be difficult. Students who are exploring majors have access to academic advisors who are trained to work with them through the eXplore process. These advisors help students find their direction to an amazing university experience, an on-time graduation, and a future career field that will be fulfilling and rewarding.

The eXplore process incorporates an expansive list of exploration activities that students can complete on their own with the guidance of academic advisors. Providing students the option to choose their own eXploration elements creates a truly individualized process geared toward meeting students where they are in their educational path. Activities (intended to help students identify their values, interests, skills, and abilities) include interviews, career assessments, real-world research, and other tools through campus partners.

Contact: Texas Tech University Advising, 347 Drane Hall, 806.742.2189, advising@ttu.edu, www.advising.ttu.edu

Writing Centers of Texas Tech University

The Writing Centers of Texas Tech University provide writing support for the university community. The centers are funded by student fees, so there are no additional charges for any services. The Undergraduate Writing Center serves undergraduate students, while the Graduate Writing Center serves graduate students and postdoctoral associates. Both writing centers strive to create supportive environments in which students from all majors can develop their written communication skills. In one-to-one consultations, experienced writing consultants read and respond to any writing project at any stage of the writing process. They collaborate with writers to address sentence-level issues as well as global issues involving focus, organization, and development. The Undergraduate Writing Center offers consultations, workshops, and writing groups. The Graduate Writing Center offers consultations, workshops, thesis and dissertation boot camps, and writing groups.

Contact: Writing Centers of Texas Tech University, Weeks Hall Third Floor, 806.742.2476, writingcenter.undergrad@ttu.edu or gradwritingcenter@ttu.edu